
What is parkour?
So you might be asking yourself "What is parkour?" Here are some answers to that question and more!

Q) What is Parkour?
A) Parkour is the art of movement. It incorporates vaults, runs, flips, jumps, wall runs, etc. to achieve the most fluid and graceful movement possible.

Q) Where can I do parkour?
A) Parkour can be done anywhere. It is most commonly done in an urban environment (cities). But, our crew lives and hour away from the nearest actual city. We go into town, Eagle's woods, anywhere we can find! You can do it pretty much anywhere as long as you use creativity and look at all possibilities around you.

Q) Is parkour illegal?
A) Now this is a huge question. No parkour is not illegal, as long as you know when the time to stop is. If you are asked by security or another official what you are doing, explain what parkour is and that you are not trying to vandalize or cause harm to anyone or anything. If you are asked to leave, then leave.

Q) Do I have to be athletic to do parkour?
A) Being athletic would help with parkour, but no you do not have to be extremely athletic, strong, etc. to do parkour. Your momentum carries you through most of the movements, so it doesnt require much strength.

Q) Parkour just looks like people jumping off of buildings, is that really what it is?
A) NO! Parkour is not people just jumping off of buildings or vaulting over things. Parkour is a discipline, it is a way of life. It expresses freedom of movement. Normal people will see a wall and think, 'Great now I have to walk around this'. A traceur will see a wall and think about the different ways to go over, under, or across the wall.

Q) Isn't parkour destructive?
A) No parkour is not meant to be destructive or to vandalize! If anything we traceurs probably have more respect for obstacles than other people

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Limitless Crew



Parkour Crew
